Fecmall Admin 二次开发


Appadmin 介绍

1.如果您想要重写fecmall原来的功能,可以参看: Fecmall 重写功能

2.如果您想做新的功能扩展 ,那么需要建立自己的module

在appadmin本地新建模块前,建议先去了解一下 fecmall appadmin端的代码:

@fecshop/app/appadmin/modules 下面就是 fecmall appadmin入口的模块部分。

了解清楚 fecmall 后台的大致原理,您就可以自己写一个本地模块了,下面是一个例子, 一步一步的讲述如何从零新建一个后台Person modules

Appadmin 新增本地模块 示例

本部分从0讲解,如何在appadmin入口开发一个本地模块的完整步骤 ,本部分实现了mysqldb和mongodb两个数据库的实现, 本例子是实现一个Person 表的后台编辑的工作



CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `example_person` (
  `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '姓名',
  `sex` int(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '1代表男,2代表女,3代表人妖',
  `age` int(5) DEFAULT NULL,
  `about_me` text COMMENT '一句话介绍自己',
  `company` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '公司',
  `telephone` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '电话',
  `created_at` int(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `updated_at` int(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `created_user_id` int(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

mongodb 不需要新建表


此处我们假设,Person数据除了在appadmin入口使用,还需要在appfront等其他 入口使用,因此,我们把model , service 都放到 公用-common 处

2.1 Mongodb Person Model

新建文件 @common\local\local_models\mongodb\example\Person.php


namespace common\local\local_models\mongodb\example;

use yii\mongodb\ActiveRecord;

class Person extends ActiveRecord
     * mongodb collection 的名字,相当于mysql的table name
    public static function collectionName()
        return 'example_person';
     * mongodb是没有表结构的,因此不能像mysql那样取出来表结构的字段作为model的属性
     * 因此,需要自己定义model的属性,下面的方法就是这个作用
    public function attributes()
        return [

2.2 Mysqldb Person Model

新建文件 @common\local\local_models\mysqldb\example\Person.php


 * FecShop file.
 * @link http://www.fecshop.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 FecShop Software LLC
 * @license http://www.fecshop.com/license/

namespace common\local\local_models\mysqldb\example;

use yii\db\ActiveRecord;

 * @author Terry Zhao <2358269014@qq.com>
 * @since 1.0
class Person extends ActiveRecord
    public static function tableName()
        return '{{%example_person}}';



3.1 新增配置:@common\config\fecshop_local_services\Person.php

 * FecShop file.
 * @link http://www.fecshop.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 FecShop Software LLC
 * @license http://www.fecshop.com/license/
 * 这是一个演示的例子,方便二次开发者参考,不属于fecshop里面的功能。
return [
    'person' => [
        'class' => 'common\local\local_services\example\Person',
        'storage' => 'PersonMysqldb',   // 'PersonMysqldb'  'PersonMongodb'

3.2 service 文件,也就是上面配置中class对应的文件


 * FecShop file.
 * @link http://www.fecshop.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 FecShop Software LLC
 * @license http://www.fecshop.com/license/

namespace common\local\local_services\example;

use fecshop\services\Service;
use Yii;

 * Example Person services. 用于演示如何创建一个后台功能的例子代码
 * @author Terry Zhao <2358269014@qq.com>
 * @since 1.0
class Person extends Service
     * $storagePrex , $storage , $storagePath 为找到当前的storage而设置的配置参数
     * 可以在配置中更改,更改后,就会通过容器注入的方式修改相应的配置值
    public $storage;    // 当前的storage,在config中配置,在初始化的时候会被注入修改
     * 设置storage的path路径,
     * 如果不设置,则系统使用默认路径
     * 如果设置了路径,则使用自定义的路径
    public $storagePath; 
    protected $_person;

    public function init()
        $currentService = $this->getStorageService($this);
        $this->_person = new $currentService();
     * get artile's primary key.
    protected function actionGetPrimaryKey()
        return $this->_person->getPrimaryKey();

     * get artile model by primary key.
    protected function actionGetByPrimaryKey($primaryKey)
        return $this->_person->getByPrimaryKey($primaryKey);

     * 得到category model的全名.
    protected function actionGetModelName()
        return get_class($this->_person);

     * @property $filter|array
     * get artile collection by $filter
     * example filter:
     * [
     * 		'numPerPage' 	=> 20,
     * 		'pageNum'		=> 1,
     * 		'orderBy'	=> ['_id' => SORT_DESC, 'sku' => SORT_ASC ],
     'where'			=> [
     * 			['sku' => 'uk10001'],
     * 		],
     * 	'asArray' => true,
     * ]
    protected function actionColl($filter = '')
        return $this->_person->coll($filter);

     * @property $one|array , save one data .
     * @property $originUrlKey|string , article origin url key.
     * save $data to cms model,then,add url rewrite info to system service urlrewrite.
    protected function actionSave($one, $originUrlKey)
        return $this->_person->save($one, $originUrlKey);

    protected function actionRemove($ids)
        return $this->_person->remove($ids);
    protected function actionGetSexArr(){
        return [
            1 => '男',
            2 => '女',
            3 => '人妖',

3.3 上面通过配置可以切换不同的services,因此我们要新建mongodb和mysql 对应的services。


3.3.1 接口文件@common\local\local_services\example\person\PersonInterface.php

 * FecShop file.
 * @link http://www.fecshop.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 FecShop Software LLC
 * @license http://www.fecshop.com/license/
 * Example Person: 在本地开发一个后台编辑模块的例子,非fecshop功能模块

namespace common\local\local_services\example\person;

 * @author Terry Zhao <2358269014@qq.com>
 * @since 1.0
interface PersonInterface
    public function getByPrimaryKey($primaryKey);

    public function coll($filter);

    public function save($one, $originUrlKey);

    public function remove($ids);

3.3.2 PersonMongodb


 * FecShop file.
 * @link http://www.fecshop.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 FecShop Software LLC
 * @license http://www.fecshop.com/license/
 * Example Person: 在本地开发一个后台编辑模块的例子,非fecshop功能模块

namespace common\local\local_services\example\person;

use Yii;
use yii\base\InvalidValueException;
use fecshop\services\Service;

 * @author Terry Zhao <2358269014@qq.com>
 * @since 1.0
class PersonMongodb extends Service implements PersonInterface
    public $numPerPage = 20;
     protected $_personModelName = '\common\local\local_models\mongodb\example\Person';
    protected $_personModel;
    public function init(){
        list($this->_personModelName,$this->_personModel) = Yii::mapGet($this->_personModelName);  
    public function getPrimaryKey()
        return '_id';

    public function getByPrimaryKey($primaryKey)
        if ($primaryKey) {
            return $this->_personModel->findOne($primaryKey);
        } else {
            return new $this->_personModelName;
     * example filter:
     * [
     * 		'numPerPage' 	=> 20,
     * 		'pageNum'		=> 1,
     * 		'orderBy'	=> ['_id' => SORT_DESC, 'sku' => SORT_ASC ],
     * 		'where'			=> [
     * 			['sku' => 'uk10001'],
     * 		],
     * 	'asArray' => true,
     * ]
    public function coll($filter = '')
        $query = $this->_personModel->find();
        $query = Yii::$service->helper->ar->getCollByFilter($query, $filter);

        return [
            'coll' => $query->all(),
            'count'=> $query->limit(null)->offset(null)->count(),

     * @property $one|array
     * save $data to cms model,then,add url rewrite info to system service urlrewrite.
    public function save($one, $originUrlKey)
        $currentDateTime = \fec\helpers\CDate::getCurrentDateTime();
        $primaryVal = isset($one[$this->getPrimaryKey()]) ? $one[$this->getPrimaryKey()] : '';
        if ($primaryVal) {
            $model = $this->_personModel->findOne($primaryVal);
            if (!$model) {
                Yii::$service->helper->errors->add('article '.$this->getPrimaryKey().' is not exist');

        } else {
            $model = new $this->_personModelName;
            $model->created_at = time();
            $model->created_user_id = \fec\helpers\CUser::getCurrentUserId();
            $primaryVal = new \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId();
            $model->{$this->getPrimaryKey()} = $primaryVal;
        $model->updated_at = time();
        $saveStatus         = Yii::$service->helper->ar->save($model, $one);
        $model[$this->getPrimaryKey()] = (string)$model[$this->getPrimaryKey()];
        return $model->attributes;
    public function initData(&$one){
        $one['sex'] = (int)$one['sex'];
        $one['age'] = (int)$one['age'];
     * remove article.
    public function remove($ids)
        if (!$ids) {
            Yii::$service->helper->errors->add('remove id is empty');

            return false;
        if (is_array($ids) && !empty($ids)) {
            $deleteAll = true;
            foreach ($ids as $id) {
                $model = $this->_personModel->findOne($id);
                if (isset($model[$this->getPrimaryKey()]) && !empty($model[$this->getPrimaryKey()])) {
                } else {
                    //throw new InvalidValueException("ID:$id is not exist.");
                    Yii::$service->helper->errors->add("Person Remove Errors:ID $id is not exist.");
                    $deleteAll = false;
            return $deleteAll;
        } else {
            $id = $ids;
            $model = $this->_personModel->findOne($id);
            if (isset($model[$this->getPrimaryKey()]) && !empty($model[$this->getPrimaryKey()])) {
            } else {
                Yii::$service->helper->errors->add("Person Remove Errors:ID:$id is not exist.");

                return false;

        return true;

3.3.2 PersonMysqldb


 * FecShop file.
 * @link http://www.fecshop.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 FecShop Software LLC
 * @license http://www.fecshop.com/license/
 * Example Person: 在本地开发一个后台编辑模块的例子,非fecshop功能模块

namespace common\local\local_services\example\person;

use Yii;
use yii\base\InvalidValueException;
use fecshop\services\Service;

 * @author Terry Zhao <2358269014@qq.com>
 * @since 1.0
class PersonMysqldb extends Service implements PersonInterface
    public $numPerPage = 20;
    protected $_personModelName = '\common\local\local_models\mysqldb\example\Person';
    protected $_personModel;
    public function init(){
        list($this->_personModelName,$this->_personModel) = Yii::mapGet($this->_personModelName);  
     *  language attribute.
    protected $_lang_attr = [

    public function getPrimaryKey()
        return 'id';

    public function getByPrimaryKey($primaryKey)
        if ($primaryKey) {
            $one = $this->_personModel->findOne($primaryKey);
            foreach ($this->_lang_attr as $attrName) {
                if (isset($one[$attrName])) {
                    $one[$attrName] = unserialize($one[$attrName]);

            return $one;
        } else {
            return new $this->_personModelName();

     * example filter:
     * [
     * 		'numPerPage' 	=> 20,
     * 		'pageNum'		=> 1,
     * 		'orderBy'	=> ['_id' => SORT_DESC, 'sku' => SORT_ASC ],
            'where'			=> [
     * 			['sku' => 'uk10001'],
     * 		],
     * 	'asArray' => true,
     * ]
    public function coll($filter = '')
        $query = $this->_personModel->find();
        $query = Yii::$service->helper->ar->getCollByFilter($query, $filter);
        $coll = $query->all();
        if (!empty($coll)) {
            foreach ($coll as $k => $one) {
                foreach ($this->_lang_attr as $attr) {
                    $one[$attr] = $one[$attr] ? unserialize($one[$attr]) : '';
                $coll[$k] = $one;
        return [
            'coll' => $coll,
            'count'=> $query->limit(null)->offset(null)->count(),

     * @property $one|array
     * save $data to cms model,then,add url rewrite info to system service urlrewrite.
    public function save($one, $originUrlKey)
        $currentDateTime = \fec\helpers\CDate::getCurrentDateTime();
        $primaryVal = isset($one[$this->getPrimaryKey()]) ? $one[$this->getPrimaryKey()] : '';
        if ($primaryVal) {
            $model = $this->_personModel->findOne($primaryVal);
            if (!$model) {
                Yii::$service->helper->errors->add('person '.$this->getPrimaryKey().' is not exist');

        } else {
            $model = new $this->_personModelName();
            $model->created_at = time();
            $model->created_user_id = \fec\helpers\CUser::getCurrentUserId();
        $model->updated_at = time();
        foreach ($this->_lang_attr as $attrName) {
            if (is_array($one[$attrName]) && !empty($one[$attrName])) {
                $one[$attrName] = serialize($one[$attrName]);
        $primaryKey = $this->getPrimaryKey();
        $model      = Yii::$service->helper->ar->save($model, $one);
        // 保存的数据格式返回
        foreach ($this->_lang_attr as $attr) {
            $model[$attr] = unserialize($model[ $attr]);
        return $model->attributes;
    //protected function initStatus($model){
    //    $statusArr = [$model::STATUS_ACTIVE, $model::STATUS_DELETED];
    //    if ($model['status']) {
    //        $model['status'] = (int) $model['status'];
    //        if (!in_array($model['status'], $statusArr)) {
    //            $model['status'] = $model::STATUS_ACTIVE;
    //        }
    //    } else {
    //        $model['status'] = $model::STATUS_ACTIVE;
    //    }

    public function remove($ids)
        if (!$ids) {
            Yii::$service->helper->errors->add('remove id is empty');

            return false;
        if (is_array($ids) && !empty($ids)) {
            foreach ($ids as $id) {
                $model = $this->_personModel->findOne($id);
                if (isset($model[$this->getPrimaryKey()]) && !empty($model[$this->getPrimaryKey()])) {
                } else {
                    Yii::$service->helper->errors->add("Person Remove Errors:ID $id is not exist.");
                    return false;
        } else {
            $id = $ids;
            $model = $this->_personModel->findOne($id);
            if (isset($model[$this->getPrimaryKey()]) && !empty($model[$this->getPrimaryKey()])) {
            } else {
                Yii::$service->helper->errors->add("Person Remove Errors:ID:$id is not exist.");

                return false;

        return true;

至此,我们把model 和 services层都新建好了,下面我们可以开始写我们的模块了






 * FecShop file.
 * @link http://www.fecshop.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 FecShop Software LLC
 * @license http://www.fecshop.com/license/
 * 这是一个例子模块,用于展示一下如何二次开发,非fecshop必要模块
return [
    'person' => [
        'class' => '\appadmin\local\local_modules\Person\Module',

4.2 编写模块代码

4.2.1 模块入口文件Module


 * FecShop file.
 * @link http://www.fecshop.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 FecShop Software LLC
 * @license http://www.fecshop.com/license/

namespace appadmin\local\local_modules\Person;

 * @author Terry Zhao <2358269014@qq.com>
 * @since 1.0
class Module extends \fec\AdminModule
    public function init()
        //echo 1;exit;
        // 以下代码必须指定
        $this->controllerNamespace = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\controllers';
        $this->_currentDir = __DIR__;
        $this->_currentNameSpace = __NAMESPACE__;
        $this->blockNamespace = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\block';
        // 指定默认的man文件
        $this->layout = '/main_ajax.php';

4.2.2 新建模块controller基类



 * FecShop file.
 * @link http://www.fecshop.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 FecShop Software LLC
 * @license http://www.fecshop.com/license/

namespace appadmin\local\local_modules\Person;

 * @author Terry Zhao <2358269014@qq.com>
 * @since 1.0
use fecadmin\FecadminbaseController;
use Yii;
use fecshop\app\appadmin\modules\AppadminController;

class PersonController extends AppadminController

5.在模块中新建我们的controller block view


 * FecShop file.
 * @link http://www.fecshop.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 FecShop Software LLC
 * @license http://www.fecshop.com/license/

namespace appadmin\local\local_modules\Person\controllers;

use appadmin\local\local_modules\Person\PersonController;

 * @author Terry Zhao <2358269014@qq.com>
 * @since 1.0
class IndexController extends PersonController
    public function actionIndex()
        $data = $this->getBlock()->getLastData();

        return $this->render($this->action->id, $data);

    public function actionManageredit()
        $data = $this->getBlock()->getLastData();

        return $this->render($this->action->id, $data);

    public function actionManagereditsave()
        $data = $this->getBlock('manageredit')->save();

    public function actionManagerdelete()

5.2 block部分:

5.2.1 新建文件appadmin\local\local_modules\Person\block\index\Index.php

 * FecShop file.
 * @link http://www.fecshop.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 FecShop Software LLC
 * @license http://www.fecshop.com/license/

namespace appadmin\local\local_modules\Person\block\index;

use fec\helpers\CUrl;
use fecshop\app\appadmin\interfaces\base\AppadminbaseBlockInterface;
use fecshop\app\appadmin\modules\AppadminbaseBlock;
use Yii;

 * block cms\article.
 * @author Terry Zhao <2358269014@qq.com>
 * @since 1.0
class Index extends AppadminbaseBlock implements AppadminbaseBlockInterface
     * init param function ,execute in construct.
    public function init()
         * edit data url
        $this->_editUrl = CUrl::getUrl('person/index/manageredit');
         * delete data url
        $this->_deleteUrl = CUrl::getUrl('person/index/managerdelete');
         * service component, data provider
        $this->_service = Yii::$service->person;

    public function getLastData()

        // hidden section ,that storage page info
        $pagerForm = $this->getPagerForm();
        // search section
        $searchBar = $this->getSearchBar();
        // edit button, delete button,
        $editBar = $this->getEditBar();
        // table head
        $thead = $this->getTableThead();
        // table body
        $tbody = $this->getTableTbody();
        // paging section
        $toolBar = $this->getToolBar($this->_param['numCount'], $this->_param['pageNum'], $this->_param['numPerPage']);

        return [
            'pagerForm'        => $pagerForm,
            'searchBar'        => $searchBar,
            'editBar'        => $editBar,
            'thead'        => $thead,
            'tbody'        => $tbody,
            'toolBar'    => $toolBar,

     * get search bar Arr config.
    public function getSearchArr()
        $data = [
            [    // selecit的Int 类型
                'columns_type' =>'int',  // int使用标准匹配, string使用模糊查询
                'value'=> Yii::$service->person->getSexArr(),
                //[                    // select 类型的值
                //    1=>'男',
                //    2=>'女',
                //    3=>'人妖',
            [    // 字符串类型
                'columns_type' =>'string',
            [    // 时间区间类型搜索
                'name'=> 'created_at',
                'columns_type' =>'int',
                    'lt' =>'用户创建时间结束',
            [    // 时间区间类型搜索
                'name'=> 'age',
                'columns_type' =>'int',
                    'lt' =>'年龄结束',

        return $data;

     * config function ,return table columns config.
    public function getTableFieldArr()
        $table_th_bar = [
                'orderField'    => $this->_primaryKey,
                'label'            => 'ID',
                'width'            => '50',
                'align'        => 'center',

                'orderField'        => 'name',
                'label'             => '姓名',
                'width'             => '50',
                'align'             => 'left',
                'lang'              => false,
                'orderField'        => 'age',
                'label'             => '年龄',
                'width'             => '50',
                'align'             => 'left',
                'lang'              => false,
                'orderField'        => 'sex',
                'label'             => '性别',
                'width'             => '50',
                'align'             => 'center',
                'display'           => Yii::$service->person->getSexArr(),
                'orderField'    => 'created_user_id',
                'label'            => '创建人',
                'width'            => '110',
                'align'        => 'center',
                'orderField'    => 'created_at',
                'label'            => '创建时间',
                'width'            => '110',
                'align'        => 'center',
                'convert'        => ['int' => 'datetime'],
                'orderField'    => 'updated_at',
                'label'            => '更新时间',
                'width'            => '110',
                'align'        => 'center',
                'convert'        => ['int' => 'datetime'],


        return $table_th_bar;

     * rewrite parent getTableTbodyHtml($data).
    public function getTableTbodyHtml($data)
        $fileds = $this->getTableFieldArr();
        $str .= '';
        $csrfString = \fec\helpers\CRequest::getCsrfString();
        $user_ids = [];
        foreach ($data as $one) {
            $user_ids[] = $one['created_user_id'];
        $users = Yii::$service->adminUser->getIdAndNameArrByIds($user_ids);
        foreach ($data as $one) {
            $str .= '<tr target="sid_user" rel="'.$one[$this->_primaryKey].'">';
            $str .= '<td><input name="'.$this->_primaryKey.'s" value="'.$one[$this->_primaryKey].'" type="checkbox"></td>';
            foreach ($fileds as $field) {
                $orderField = $field['orderField'];
                $display = $field['display'];
                $val = $one[$orderField];
                if ($orderField == 'created_user_id') {
                    $val = isset($users[$val]) ? $users[$val] : $val;
                    $str .= '<td>'.$val.'</td>';
                if ($val) {
                    if (isset($field['display']) && !empty($field['display'])) {
                        $display = $field['display'];
                        $val = $display[$val] ? $display[$val] : $val;
                    if (isset($field['convert']) && !empty($field['convert'])) {
                        $convert = $field['convert'];
                        foreach ($convert as $origin =>$to) {
                            if (strstr($origin, 'mongodate')) {
                                if (isset($val->sec)) {
                                    $timestramp = $val->sec;
                                    if ($to == 'date') {
                                        $val = date('Y-m-d', $timestramp);
                                    } elseif ($to == 'datetime') {
                                        $val = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestramp);
                                    } elseif ($to == 'int') {
                                        $val = $timestramp;
                            } elseif (strstr($origin, 'date')) {
                                if ($to == 'date') {
                                    $val = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($val));
                                } elseif ($to == 'datetime') {
                                    $val = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($val));
                                } elseif ($to == 'int') {
                                    $val = strtotime($val);
                            } elseif ($origin == 'int') {
                                if ($to == 'date') {
                                    $val = date('Y-m-d', $val);
                                } elseif ($to == 'datetime') {
                                    $val = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $val);
                                } elseif ($to == 'int') {
                                    $val = $val;
                            } elseif ($origin == 'string') {
                                if ($to == 'img') {
                                    $t_width = isset($field['img_width']) ? $field['img_width'] : '100';
                                    $t_height = isset($field['img_height']) ? $field['img_height'] : '100';
                                    $val = '<img style="width:'.$t_width.'px;height:'.$t_height.'px" src="'.$val.'" />';

                    if (isset($field['lang']) && !empty($field['lang'])) {
                        $val = Yii::$service->fecshoplang->getDefaultLangAttrVal($val, $orderField);
                $str .= '<td>'.$val.'</td>';
            $str .= '<td>
						<a title="编辑" target="dialog" class="btnEdit" mask="true" drawable="true" width="1000" height="580" href="'.$this->_editUrl.'?'.$this->_primaryKey.'='.$one[$this->_primaryKey].'" >编辑</a>
						<a title="删除" target="ajaxTodo" href="'.$this->_deleteUrl.'?'.$csrfString.'&'.$this->_primaryKey.'='.$one[$this->_primaryKey].'" class="btnDel">删除</a>
            $str .= '</tr>';

        return $str;

5.2.1 新建文件appadmin\local\local_modules\Person\block\index\Manageredit.php

 * FecShop file.
 * @link http://www.fecshop.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 FecShop Software LLC
 * @license http://www.fecshop.com/license/

namespace appadmin\local\local_modules\Person\block\index;

use fec\helpers\CRequest;
use fec\helpers\CUrl;
use fecshop\app\appadmin\interfaces\base\AppadminbaseBlockEditInterface;
use fecshop\app\appadmin\modules\AppadminbaseBlockEdit;
use Yii;

 * block cms\article.
 * @author Terry Zhao <2358269014@qq.com>
 * @since 1.0
class Manageredit extends AppadminbaseBlockEdit implements AppadminbaseBlockEditInterface
    public $_saveUrl;

    public function init()
        $this->_saveUrl = CUrl::getUrl('person/index/managereditsave');

    // 传递给前端的数据 显示编辑form
    public function getLastData()
        return [
            'editBar'     => $this->getEditBar(),
            'textareas'   => $this->_textareas,
            'lang_attr'   => $this->_lang_attr,
            'saveUrl'     => $this->_saveUrl,

    public function setService()
        $this->_service = Yii::$service->person;

    public function getEditArr()
        return [
                    'type' => 'inputString',
                    'lang' => false,  // 不是多语言属性
                'require' => 1,
                    'type' => 'select',
                    'data' => Yii::$service->person->getSexArr(),
                    //    1    => '激活',
                    //    2    => '关闭',
                'require' => 1,
                'default' => 1,

                    'type' => 'inputString',
                'require' => 0,

                    'type' => 'inputString',
                    'lang' => false,
                'require' => 0,

                    'type' => 'textarea',
                    'lang' => true,
                    'rows'    => 14,
                    'cols'    => 110,
                'require' => 0,
                    'type' => 'inputString',
                    'lang' => false,
                'require' => 0,

     * save article data,  get rewrite url and save to article url key.
    public function save()
        $request_param = CRequest::param();
        $this->_param = $request_param[$this->_editFormData];
         * if attribute is date or date time , db storage format is int ,by frontend pass param is int ,
         * you must convert string datetime to time , use strtotime function.
        $this->_service->save($this->_param, 'person/index/index');
        $errors = Yii::$service->helper->errors->get();
        if (!$errors) {
            echo  json_encode([
                'message'=>'save success',
        } else {
            echo  json_encode([

    // 批量删除
    public function delete()
        $ids = '';
        if ($id = CRequest::param($this->_primaryKey)) {
            $ids = $id;
        } elseif ($ids = CRequest::param($this->_primaryKey.'s')) {
            $ids = explode(',', $ids);
        $errors = Yii::$service->helper->errors->get();
        if (!$errors) {
            echo  json_encode([
                'message'=>'remove data  success',
        } else {
            echo  json_encode([

5.3 theme(view)文件


 * FecShop file.
 * @link http://www.fecshop.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 FecShop Software LLC
 * @license http://www.fecshop.com/license/
use fec\helpers\CRequest;
 * @author Terry Zhao <2358269014@qq.com>
 * @since 1.0
<form id="pagerForm" method="post" action="<?= \fec\helpers\CUrl::getCurrentUrl();  ?>">
	<?=  CRequest::getCsrfInputHtml();  ?>
	<?=  $pagerForm;  ?>
<div class="pageHeader">
	<form rel="pagerForm" onsubmit="return navTabSearch(this);" action="<?= \fec\helpers\CUrl::getCurrentUrl();  ?>" method="post">
		<?php echo CRequest::getCsrfInputHtml();  ?>
		<div class="searchBar">
			<?php  echo $searchBar; ?>
<div class="pageContent">
	<div class="panelBar">
		<?= $editBar;  ?>
	<div class="panelBar">
		<?= $toolBar; ?>
	<table class="table" width="100%" layoutH="138">
		<?= $thead; ?>
			<?= $tbody; ?>


 * FecShop file.
 * @link http://www.fecshop.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 FecShop Software LLC
 * @license http://www.fecshop.com/license/
use yii\helpers\Html;
use fec\helpers\CRequest;
use fecadmin\models\AdminRole;
 * @author Terry Zhao <2358269014@qq.com>
 * @since 1.0
.dialog .pageContent {background:none;}
.dialog .pageContent .pageFormContent{background:none;}

<div class="pageContent"> 
	<form  method="post" action="<?= $saveUrl ?>" class="pageForm required-validate" onsubmit="return validateCallback(this, dialogAjaxDoneCloseAndReflush);">
		<?php echo CRequest::getCsrfInputHtml();  ?>	
		<div layouth="56" class="pageFormContent" style="height: 240px; overflow: auto;">
				<input type="hidden"  value="<?=  $product_id; ?>" size="30" name="product_id" class="textInput ">
				<fieldset id="fieldset_table_qbe">
					<legend style="color:#cc0000">编辑信息</legend>
						<?= $editBar; ?>
				<?= $lang_attr ?>
				<?= $textareas ?>
		<div class="formBar">
				<!--<li><a class="buttonActive" href="javascript:;"><span>保存</span></a></li>-->
				<li><div class="buttonActive"><div class="buttonContent"><button onclick="func('accept')"  value="accept" name="accept" type="submit">保存</button></div></div></li>
					<div class="button"><div class="buttonContent"><button type="button" class="close">取消</button></div></div>





然后把菜单加入到权限组,然后刷新缓存,刷新浏览器,就可以看到菜单了, 然后访问这个菜单就可以看到我们做的增删改查列表,并且带有搜索,排序,分页等 功能,如图:
